Investor Program
• Citizenship and a second passport for life for the applicant and dependent family members • Travel visa-free to more than 115 countries
• Visa Free access to Schengen Area countries granted in May 2015
• Enjoy tax free status
• No requirement to reside in Dominica
• No management or educational requirements
• No country restrictions (Open to all applicants)
• Applicants can make a non-refundable donation to the government fund or invest
in a government approved real-estate project
• Be over 18 years old
• Have no criminal record
• Provide all the documents are required in English
• Provide a letter of application for economic citizenship addressed to the Minister
responsible for Citizenship
• Have basic knowledge of the English language
• Make a deposit in a bank account at the National Commercial Bank of Dominica
• Must use a government authorised agent
Investment Options
1. The Government Fund option (non-refundable) Minimum to be invested:
• USD 100,000 for a single applicant
• USD 175,000 for applicant accompanied by a spouse
• USD 175,000 for applicant accompanied by up to two children under 18 years old
• USD 200,000 for applicant accompanied by a spouse and two children under 18
years old
• Add USD 50,000 for each additional dependent of the main applicant other than
a spouse 2. The Real Estate option (saleable after 3 years) Purchase authorised
real estate with a minimum value of USD 200,000, which must be held for at least
three years. In addition to the cost of the real-estate the following additional
government fees apply:
• Main applicant: USD 50,000
• Spouse: USD 25,000
• Dependent under 18: USD 20,000
• Dependant aged 18-25: USD 50,000
Process (3-4 months)
• Prepare all the documents required and submit them via an authorised agent, and
pay due diligence fees
• After approval, every applicant must sign an oath of allegiance in front of a Notary
Public, Justice of Peace or Commissioner of Oaths
• Obtain the passport after the citizenship confirmation
Paradise Of Foreign Artists, France
(爱沙尼亚,Dubai : 艺术家居住地)
Citinavi Global旨在寻找一位高素质的律师来协助您进行此过程。
Citinavi global 拥有26年的独特经验和专业咨询
很多中国留学生在法国完成学业后,首先想的是找工作、转身份,比如换工作居留。但其实,从事自由职业在法 国也是可行的。比如做自由艺术家、个体户、开公司办商业居留等等。用数字说话,在法国有3%的个体户是外国人,有5%的企业老板是外国人。
关于从中国,南亚,美国(法国境外)申请的艺术家居留权(包括商业居留权,自由居留权),或者如果您想成为自雇人士,则可以咨询Citinavi global海外投资移民公司。
(reserved to +50.000 USD annual revenue)
Passport to Global mobility !
FRANE & USA Artist Residency
(Dubai, Estonia Artist Residency)
Combining The Highest Global Standards
With Local Expertise...
UK & global partners
London - Paris - Luxembourg - Shanghai - Ho Chi Minh - New Delhi - Dubai - Athens
WhatsApp, Line : +33 750 52 18 47 (En/Fr/Jp/Kr)
TEL / SMS +33 634 10 54 47 / +33 750 52 18 47
Japan desk : +44 7466 782323
China desk : +33 634 10 54 47
Vietnam desk : +84 121 4335357
India : +91 93223 99000 / +33 750 52 1847
* Residency Permit : Artists & Multi-media *
Citinavi global aims to find you a highly qualified attorney to assist you in your approach. All individual cases will be handled by our experts depending on your location in order to facilitate you an appointment as soon as possible and close to you ....
- Writers, book illustrators, authors and music composers, film, audiovisual
and multimedia photographers
- The authors of graphic and plastic arts (painting, sculpture, illustration, printmaking,
tapestry, ceramics, etc.)
* Change of status regularization, family groupement, naturalization
/ acquisition of French nationality
Residence & Artists Visa UK
UK immigration calls on artists to apply for Tier 1 visas
A recent UK Home Office report states that they wish to encourage figures from the arts with an international reputation to apply to come to live in the UK under a Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent) visa. There is a cap of 1,000 on the number of these visas which can be issued annually but in 2012, only about 50 visas were issued. The likely reason why so few visas were granted is because only a tiny minority of "top people" qualify under the Tier 1 Exceptional Talent Visa.
Replacement for Tier 1 (General)
The Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent) visa stream opened on 9th August 2011. It was intended as a partial replacement for the Tier 1 (General) visa which was abolished in April 2011. The easier Tier 1 General visa category was very successful with about 13,000 highly skills migrants moving to the UK each year.
The Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent) visa allows a maximum of only 1,000 people with a 'global reputation' to do so. In reality, however, the numbers granted these visas have come nowhere near reaching the cap. Only seven were granted in 2011.
The Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent) visa was intended to allow leading figures from the arts, academia and the sciences to come to work in the UK. To qualify applicants must first gain the endorsement of one of four 'competent bodies' who will be able to confirm that the applicant truly is a world-leading talent.
These bodies are The Royal Society, Arts Council England which can endorse up to 300 people a year, and The British Academy and the Royal Academy of Engineering which can endorse 200 people a year.
Only 50 Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent) visas issued in 2012
In 2012 only about 50 visas were issued. This report on the Home Office website seems to signal a desire to see more of the visas granted.
Sanwar Ali of said '"The problem with the Tier 1 Exceptional Talent Visa category is that hardly anyone qualifies for it. Unless the Home Office makes it easier to qualify for this visa category it will remain the case that very few applications are made and very few visas are issued each year. It will likely remain the case that most highly skilled individuals will have to find an employer and come under the Tier 2 visa scheme."
Immigration minister Mark Harper has said that, if the cap of 1,000 was ever reached, he would consider raising it. is a specialist visa consultancy with 25 years' experience dealing with visa applications. We are OISC registered. We can help with a wide range of visa applications to the UK or your country of choice. Please feel free to contact us for further details.