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ChatGPT & Metarverse Technology. The Rise of Virtual Citizenship

Over the past three years, and particularly since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, the investment migration landscape is rapidly changing. Sparked by the pandemic, digital nomads became mainstream of new global migration trends.

Combining ChatGPT with Metaverse technology

has the potential to revolutionize investment migration for wealthy individuals. The integration of these two technologies can offer a more personalized and immersive experience for investors, while also improving the efficiency and security of the investment migration process.

With the help of Metaverse technology, ChatGPT can provide a more interactive and immersive experience by creating a virtual environment where investors can explore and learn about different investment opportunities and migration programs. For example, investors could explore virtual representations of different cities or regions, and receive real-time information and insights from ChatGPT about the investment opportunities available in those locations.

Additionally, through the use of smart contracts and blockchain-based solutions, investors can securely and efficiently complete the necessary legal and financial transactions. Furthermore, the combination can provide a more seamless and convenient experience for investors.

Metaverse offers a borderless platform for businesses to operate in, which can enable investors to easily access markets and consumers in different parts of the world.

Digital Nomads and the Rise of Virtual Citizenship

By David Alayón

We’ve been living in what we call the Nation-State for more than 350 years, since the Peace of Westphalia where about 100 delegations met to end the feudal order and prepare the way to territorial organizations, well defined, with a relatively constant population and a government .

These imaginary but agreed borders by all mankind have allowed us to play locally with a series of rules.

If you believe you are a citizen of the world, you are a citizen of nowhere. You don’t understand what citizenship means. — Theresa May

There is no global anthem. No global currency. No certificate of global citizenship. We pledge allegiance to one flag and that flag is the American flag. — Donald Trump

We can feel more or less reflected in these quotes but they are true: there is no global government. What happens when technology breaks down all these barriers? Right now there are people who can work from home with a distributed team in 5 different countries for a client from another continent.

How is this managed? And at the company level? What happens with purely digital companies?

And in a deeper sense, what happens with the feeling of belonging to a nation, with the patriotism, if by affinity, for cultural, professional or personal reasons you feel closer to the inhabitants of another country?

Or even if, for cases like Brexit or Trump’s election, you stop feeling part of a country.

Notion AI

Since the UK voted to leave the EU, the demand for Irish passports has increased by 50 percent, a sign that people are dissatisfied with geographically determined restrictions of citizenship when they can no longer relate to their national identity.

Does it make sense to fight for the borders of a territory? For the borders? The Internet is the system that roots a large part of the world and knows no borders, but volatility and “social mix” could make traditions, customs, languages … The most deeply cultural aspects of a nation be forgotten quickly.

From the companies perspective, there has been a huge change that involves considering employees humans instead of resources, giving them a main role in the generation of value and wealth. This is happening little by little in nations, where the attraction of talent can make an ecosystem flourish completely. This is the case of Canada with its Startup Visa Program; China with policies to attract citizens who left; or France with its policy to promote Artificial Intelligence.

Top talent can decide where they want to work depending on their life needs and the socio-economic status of the world. It’s the time of the digital nomads and Karoli Hindriks initiative give meaning to the term. Jobbatical is a platform that allows digital nomads to find work in other countries and help them with logistics to be able to go there. Another initiative is Nomad List, an aggregator where cities and governments are voted, generating comparative rankings by different categories: cost of living, security, Internet bandwidth…

The growth of migratory flows of talent has promoted a new networked sovereignty where people generate links with countries throughout a life of mobility, without even having the need to live there.

This insight has been used by different countries, among which Estonia stands out, which in 2014 began to offer a service for “digital residents”. These e-residents are allowed to open bank accounts, establish companies, sign documents, manage taxes … Allowing that, even if the citizen moves, he can maintain a relationship with the country and continue to generate income through the sale of said services. We would be talking about a “Nation as a Service” model. Don’t you think is a smart move?

Of course we’ve not entered in the new generation of nations like Asgardia, a nation located in an independent space station, or Bitnation, a digital nation with a government that operates under blockchain …

What dilemma does all this liquid life contain? On the one hand, what happens in bad times? What happens when some kind of disaster occurs or there’s a recession? What happens if everyone leaves and nobody stays to sustain and reverse the situation? What happens to those who can’t leave? This nomadic life is great when you have the strength to do it, but what happens when you reach a certain age? And when you have a family that pushes you to grow roots in a specific place? What happens if, by taking this to the extreme, we empower not to reproduce as a species?

As always, I think the extremes aren’t good and in the search for a balance between a global nation and solid values (conscious and sustainable) could be the key. What do you think?


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