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How to Get Residence for Artists in Italy (Athletes, Performers & Models)

Italy’s rich history, culture and stunning landscapes, agreeable climate, free and high-quality health system are always attracting the expats. In particular, its low-cost educational programs are advantegeous. But there are other potential advantages to Italy: by becoming a resident, you can also avail of tax benefits and investment opportunities.

How to Get Residence for Artists in Italy (Athletes, Performers & Models)

Differently to France, to bring global talent and their families to work and live in Italy, Italy does not offer the scheme to apply directly for Artists  Residence Permit but with self-employment scheme or work permit visa.

Self-employment scheme is renewable every 2 years with no limitation. To obtain the Artist Visa allowing the applicant to enter Italy takes approximately 2/3 months from your country of origin as of the Visa or Certificate of No Impediment application.

What type of visa residence permit would you like to apply for?

Italian residence permit to work and live in Italy 

To access this scheme, applicants may need to demonstrate a means of annal living cost €27 000. This can be proven via an overseas pension, bank account statements, title deeds or lease contracts. Dependants can be included with a certain monthly amount increasing for each child under 18 years old. With this option, you cannot be employed but do a self-employment economic activity in Italy.

Lavoro autonomo (spettacolo) – Self employment (artists)

This visa is intended for artists and entertainment industry personnel invited by renown Italian institutions or theatres.

- Job contract ensuring the self-employee’s compensation is higher than the amount provided by the Italian national contracts for the same category of employees;- Authorization (“Nulla osta”) from the relevant Police headquartes (“Questura”) released in the last 3 months (only for stays over 90 days);- Proof of a suitable accommodation in Italy;- If not included in the emplyment agreement, an international medical insurance with a minimum of 30.000 € coverage and full and unlimited coverage for hospitalization. Detailed table of benefit must be provided;

Who is eligible to apply for

an Artist Visa and Residence permit? 

Within the 1st option of National Visa for employment, the artists eligible to apply are the following: 

Artistic or technical personnel currently employed in circuses or travelling shows abroad, 

Artistic or technical personnel currently employed in opera, theatre, concert or ballet shows; 

Dancers, artists, musicians to be employed in entertainment venues; 

Artists to be employed by theatre or cinema music organizations, by radio or television enterprises, either public or private, or by public agencies as part of cultural or folkloric events. 

Long-Stay Visa (Type D)

There are several different Type D visa types you can apply for, however for retirees or those living on passive income, the Elective Residence Visa is probably your best bet which could be applied within 10 days.

Digital Nomad Visa:

For freelancers and remote workers making at least €2,700 per month, this is a great option.

There is currently no visa you can obtain directly through real estate investment, but the above options should cover you or, if they don’t sound like what you need, there are many other visa types you can check out.

Work Visa for Artists

Visa Types Option 1: 1 year term National Visa (D)

for artistic or technical personnel with to be emplayed by on Italian entity, Option

2: 1-year term National Visa (D) or a short-term Schengen Visa (C) for famous or widely known artists in the artistic or show business with professional assignment/s for seif-employment in Italy.  

Together with the job offer, artists should hold a certificate proving their professional qualification issued by a state school or public or other equal institution in the applicant's State of residence. The certificate should be validated by the competent Italian consulate

2) Within the 2nd option for Self-employment Visa, artists eligible to apply are:

1. Famous or well-known and highly-qualified artists;

2. Artists employed by renowned theatres, Italian television "RAI" channels, well-known private or public television stations.

Artists will need to prove their reputation or notoriety, or their professional engagement with one of the entities mentioned under point 2, as well as the proposal for a free-lance assignment as a from an Italian entity.

Validity of the Artist Residence Permit

In case of work in Italy for a period longer than 90 days, a National Visa (D) will be issued and it will be necessary to apply for a residence permit.

The first residence permit for Artists has a maximum duration of one year. The residence permit for Artists with an employment contract (Option 1) is extendable for an additional 12 months of work, The Residence Permit for Artists with seif-employment (Option 2) is renewable every 2 years with no limitation.


Italy Visa Eligibility Test
1. Did your personal income amount to at least €9.000 in the previous year? OR what amount?
2. Do you have a yearly income of at least €35,000? Not deriving from employment or freelance activitles or your sole proprietorship? From what?
3.Do you have or can you obtain a job offer in Italy to work as an employee for an Italian company? What is your exact role in the (non-) Italian company (manoger/executive/others)? More than 6 months?  - Could you be appointed as company's board for paying at least €10,000 in compensation for your role as administrator?
4. Do you have any direct ascendant born in Italy (eg. Great great grandfather,grandmother,great grandfather, mother etc.)?
5. What Is approximately the value of your personal assets? Up to €50.000 / Up to €300,000 / Up to €1Million / More than €1Million
6. Do you have a minor child or a spouse living in Italy legally?
7. Would you be interested in setting up an innovative Italian start-up company for running a business in italy as the manager of the company?
8. Would you like to apply a fast-track Investor Visa (Italy Golden Visa)?  Invest at least €250,000 into an Italian innovative startup company / Invest at least €500,000 into an Italian company / invest at least €2million to purchase Italian government bonds  / Donate at least €1million to an Italian philanthropic organization 

A further qualifying option, the Elective Residence Program is suitable for individuals who can prove their stable annual income at a certain quantity from abroad?

Further information ; - whatsapp +33 744 777 038


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