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Global Citizenship magazine - autumn 2021 : Celestrial Elysium / Second Passport

Richard Branson:

"Mars and Moon will welcome visitors in ten or fifteen years"

Global Citizenship magazine-Autumn number 2021

Editor's preface .........................................p.5

Contents ....................................................p.7

‘Does buying a property in the UAE entitle me to a residence visa? By Mario Volpi .... p.8

Abu Dhabi - Citizenship Expo. september 30 - october 01..By Arun Bose ..................p.9

Celestrial Utopia-Elysium, in the year 2154. (film) ..................................................p.10-11

Canada, the most favorite destination for

Permanent settlement or Second Passport. By Kumar C. .....................................p.12-13

Celestrial Elysium "Hotel Off The Moon" Richard Branson Private Jet.................p.14

Most Innovative Private Jet Providers of the 21st Century. By Doug Gollan ...........p.15-17

The EB-5 Situation: Back to US$ 500k or 900k for investors? .................................p.18

Why E-2 Visa for Indians ? ..................p.19

The EU Settlement Scheme: Can I Have A Biometric Residence Card? By Lucy Katko ........................................................... p.20-21

Domicile Diversification and Second Passport ..................................................p.23

Despite Holdouts, Dual Nationality Still on the Rise. By Prof. Peter J. Spiro ............. p.24

Cities as Investment Migration Magnets. By Dr. Parag Khanna .............................. p.25


what do you find the most difficult? ........ p.26


Non-Korean alien John Titor's prophecy of a united Korea in 2036 .............................. p.27

CITIZEN DMZ .....................................p.28

DMZ is Proxy, Firewall for IT ............... p.29

The Rise of Humanity/Moral Obligation.p.30

world cookies e-citizen, DMZ

Beyond the Panmunjom Wall ................. p.31

China, Japan Strenthening Single Nationality............................................................p.32

S.Korea Dual Citizenship Amendment Similar to the U.S. Citizenship Act .....................p.33

Colonizing the colonizers: My moments of freedom. By Jung Yu-na ................... p.34-35

Residence-by-Investment Programs

Key to Business Mobility in the Covid Era

Dr. Juerg Steffen.................................p.36-37


GRENADA : ICSID accepts Kawana Bay developers registration for arbitration. By Warren Newfield .................................... p.38

MONTENEGRO, Holding second citizenship in Montenegro is a great Plan B .................p.39

Crypto Holders Obtain Passports in Tax Safe Havens. By MacKenzie Sigalos p.40-42

VANUATU, Citizenship by Investment

“The Untouched Paradise”...........................p.44

PORTUGAL, Fast Track to Incorporate a Company. By APV Antonio Paula.......... p.45

A new opportunity in this alternative investment vehicle ............................ p.46-47

PORTUGAL, Investment Private Fund p.50

Tax and Citizenship New Programs -Amendments ......................................... p.51

PANAMA, Millionaires Look to Redomicile as Tax Hikes Loom..................................p.53


Why Is Turkey's Citizenship by Investment Program Popular? ................................... p.54

Turkish CIP, E-2 Visa Option for Indian, Russian, Chinese and Vietnamese............p.55

Global Minimum Tax Ahead? Why It Won't Happen?..................................... p.56

CYPRUS, Permanent Residency programme

Large investment options following the abolition of CBI programme....................................p.57

Crypto Tourism .................................... p.58

SKYDOG, global talent mobility

Greece (Digital Nomad Visa) and France (Artist / Freelance Residence) ................ p.59


Bestseller British Author Victoria Hislop granted Greek citizenship ....................... p.60

Digital Nomad / Dual Citizenship. Elias Skenderidis digital marketing strategist...p.61

Greece Climbs Ranks as Digital Nomad Destination. By Paula Tsoni ....................p.62

Naxos is an amazing destination..............p.63

ROMANIA, Romanian Residence by Investment. By Andreea Cîrstea ........p.64-65


The Ways to Have a Second Passport for Digital Nomad ........................................ p.67

Best destinations for living and working as a digital nomad in 2021.........................p.68-69

Statelessness in a Pandemic. By Amal de Chickera ............................................ p.70-71

Abu Dhabi September 30 - October 01, 2021

- Conrad Abu Dhabi Etihad Towers -


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