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Investing in Malta through Residence and Citizenship by Dr John Caruana

The author is Dr John Caruana, Ksi Malta :

Malta’s citizenship by direct investment solution, now known as the Maltese Citizenship by Naturalisation for Exceptional Services by Direct Investment, grants naturalisation to high-net-worth individuals who make a major contribution to the country’s economy. This solution grants you a Maltese passport after three years of residency, or by way of exception after one year of residency, depending on your investment, along with the considerable benefits this beautiful Mediterranean island offers.

For Malta’s CBI program, individual investors must make a minimum contribution of €600,000 to the national development fund set up by the government and prove 36 months of residency.

Alternatively, by way of exception, there is an expedited route which requires a contribution of €750,000 and evidence of at least 12 months residency. Investors must also contribute €50,000 per each additional dependent included in their application.

In addition to the contribution, investors must also invest a further €700,000 into residential real estate or enter into a rental agreement at a minimum value of €16,000 p.a. which must be maintained for five years. A compulsory donation of €10,000 to a registered philanthropic, cultural, sport, scientific, animal welfare, or artistic non-governmental approved organisation or society is also required.

The Island of Opportunities

A second citizenship or a change in residence has become a very popular consideration for individuals and families. Many countries have responded to this increasing interest by formulating citizenship-by-investment solutions and residency -by-investment programmes. Whilst the schemes present vary in terms of eligibility and commitments, few are those countries that offer both a citizenship-by-investment route and residency-by-investment programme. Malta is in fact one of the very few European countries to do so.

Described as one of the best places to reside worldwide, Malta is reputed to be an ideal choice for prospective investors seeking to carry out business in Malta. Its location at the centre of the Mediterranean Sea, has contributed to it becoming an ideal European financial hub. Malta is also part of the European Union (EU), having been a member state since 2004 and was admitted to the United Nations in 1964. As a country, Malta boasts of political stability, a sound banking system and a very low crime rate. It enjoys over 300 days of sunshine, has attractive beaches, and has a very rich history. Malta also attracts a lot of foreign direct investment (FDI) thanks to its efforts in creating an ideal environment for foreign entrepreneurs and in having an attractive tax system. This is not to mention the very high standards for education and healthcare in Malta.

Investing in Malta through Residence and Citizenship

Since its inception, the Malta Permanent Residence Programme (MPRP) has been a very successful programme. As its name implies, it offers a very attractive solution for third country nationals who wish to obtain Maltese permanent residency status. With guaranteed visa-free travel across the Schengen area (for a period of 90 out of 180 days), a possible investment into Malta’s lucrative real estate market, and multi-generation entitlements, the MPRP is a very appealing programme which only involves an investment of between EUR 120,000 and EUR 450,000, depending on whether the beneficiary rents or purchases a property in Malta.

Granting of Maltese Citizenship by Naturalisation for Exceptional Services by Direct Investment is also an attractive solution for investors looking to become both Maltese residents and citizens. Any individual who obtains Maltese citizenship in this manner would need to carry 36 months residency in Malta, in which case a direct investment of €600,000 is to be paid or by exception 12 months residency in Malta, in which case a direct investment of €750,000 is to be paid. Having a Maltese passport would vest one with the benefit of having visa-free travelling within over 180 countries.

Malta, a destination for digital nomads

Malta has also recently launched the Malta Startup Residence Programme (MSRP) which enables third-country nationals to obtain Maltese residence by developing or expanding their business in Malta. Requiring a tangible investment of not less than EUR 25,000, this programme entitles beneficiaries to a three-year residence permit (extendable for an additional 5 years for founders, co-founders, and family members), relocation of core employees, and lucrative non-dilutive support measures.

Notably, the above presents solely a short overview of some of the solutions presented by the Maltese islands in becoming a Maltese citizen or a Maltese resident.

There are different paths for Maltese residency and Maltese citizenship which may apply to an applicant, and thus, should you be interested, please do not hesitate to reach out to us in order so that we can advise on which solution is ideal for your circumstances. We understand and appreciate that relocation is not an easy decision and that when an applicant sets his/her mind to do it, he/she would wish that everything is done in a proper and orderly manner.

Our team at KSi Malta is made up of a number of professionals who seek to present the best solution to the applicant, and moreover would be able to assist on different matters, including amongst others on taxation, corporate advice, and business advise. In conclusion, please do not hesitate to reach out to us for any assistance or advice which you may require.


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