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Obtaining a USA E-2 Investor Visa via South East Europe and Montenegro's CIP Scheme

By Bojana Minic

The USA E-2 is one of the most popular residencies permits for entrepreneurs looking to invest in – and reside in - the land of opportunity. The E-2 is a non-immigrant visa, granting the holder temporary residency in the USA for up to 5 years at a time (depending on the country of cit

izenship of the E-2 national).

E-2 visas can be renewed after the initial 5 years provided that applicants still meet the requirements. But it is important to remember that the E-2 visa is a treaty visa and to qualify, the applicant must be a citizen of a country which has signed the visa treaty with the USA. Worth noting is the fact that the applicant may have more than one citizenship. It is also important to know that the applicant does not need to be currently living in the treaty country.

A number of countries worldwide currently have no visa treaties concluded with the USA. Some of these include China, India and a number of Arab countries. As a result, the USA E-2 investor visa may be of particular interest to investors from the Middle East and Asia.

Albania, Bosnia & Hercegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Moldova, Romania and Serbia have all signed a treaty with the USA. Montenegro, which has a very attractive citizenship-by-investment program, is also part of it.


E-2 visa holders can avoid taxation on worldwide income by reducing the number of days they spend in the USA. International tax planning by credible and experienced professionals is essential in such cases.

Processing time of visas

The E-2 visas processing times vary depending on the location of the American consulate which is reviewing the application. On average, it ranges typically from one week to a few weeks.


E-2 requirements

To qualify for the E-2 visa, applicants must:

- Be a citizen of country which has a valid treaty with the USA

- Invest a substantial amount in a US enterprise

- Make their primary role in the USA be that of directing and managing the enterprise

There is no official investment amount to qualify for the E-2 visa. However, the applicant must be the primary investor in the enterprise, and most applicants should expect to invest an estimated USD 150,000.

What if your country is not on the list of treaty countries?

The simplest way to obtain an E-2 visa will be to invest in a second citizenship, such as the one available in Montenegro, in a country which is a treaty member.

Eurofast is present in Montenegro since the first day of the country's independence in 2006. With extensive knowledge of the market and expertise in the citizenship by investment industry, we look forward to assisting you step-by-step through your immigration process.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.


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