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Utopian Borderless land DMZ. By Hyong-jin Kwon

70 YEARS after the Korean War (1950-53)

Every time lost I press DMZ and I know where my spirit belongs to ...

It is my GPS

DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) is Proxy, Firewall for IT

If you want to get out of prison you need the key to the lock, and if you can't get it, have courage and tenacity. Social and economic problems were not problems of the will, but problems of the spirit. (by Trille Lionel)

The goal of 'Global City DMZ' is to completely change the way we look at our planet

The refugees locked up in the camps stay there for an average of 17 years, surviving there without any prospect for the future. Running these camps costs billions of dollars every year. And every day there is controversy over migratory flows that would be caused by people who do not migrate since they have been locked up in camps, and since blocked in camps they are very far from reaching these countries that we believed to be home. In today's world, closed margins are being created, atrocious limes, reserves of human beings without a future, whose guards are paid to ensure the security of politically incorrect or unstable regions, inevitably entrusted to the worst leaders. The main long-term project of our DMZ initiative is to build a symbolic city there that will erase the ultimate ideological residue of the Cold War, will resolve by example the inequality between planetary South and North. This DMZ city and this zone tampon that have become utopian will demonstrate that South/North mobilities and all border mobilities are in fact guarantees of mutual prosperity, growth and development: not only economic, but human development. This concept, we would like the first hundred Migrant Elites to extend it to all regions in conflict on the planet.


The limes DMZ

The limes DMZ is both a laboratory for evolving political experimentation and the privileged place for the staging of a South & North sovereignty. Today the United Nations has entrusted the management of the DMZ zone to the delegate from the South, just as the management of the 'border' limes has been entrusted to the countries of southern Europe - and in particular to the islands. South Korea's eastern coastal sea is locked and the walls cannot be erected in the open sea without heavy damage. All shots are allowed to the dissuasive driftings of North Korea, but the South Koreans welcome their family brothers from the North with the protection of integration.

According to "Refugee Population Statistics" published on the UNHCR website, at the end of 2020 North Korean defectors were living as refugees in thirteen countries including the United States, United Kingdom and Canada. . Canada had the most (370 people), followed by Germany (85), the United Kingdom (72), Russia (53) and the Netherlands (35). Under the same refugee status, six North Korean defectors have been counted in the United States.

Large numbers of North Korean defectors in North China and those settled in South Korea are not included in UNHCR statistics. As a result, the actual number of North Korean defectors settled overseas is estimated to be significantly higher than the report's count.

Limes 'Frontiers' in North China

Between the north of North Korea and China is established another limes border on the territories of North China. This is where most people from the North run the risk, if they are men, of being overtaken by the Chinese guardian-soldiers and of being sent back to be sentenced to death or placed for life in a forced labor camp. If you are a woman the risk is different but no less worse. Here the lot can be: to be raped and/or sold to a pimping ring that will make you become a 'firefly' (like those Nigerian prostitutes from Edo state who have been sent to Italy since the 1990s ) or to be forcibly married to one of these poor farmers in the small rural towns of northern China or giving birth to a baby. Very ordinary continuity of the Chinese moral landscape at the edge of these escape routes. For extraordinary mobilities extending their routes to the countries of South Asia. The eastern shores of South Korea continue to receive those who have defected the North: an ever-growing community, which today numbers 35,000 people, often coming through relatives already settled. The closure of the Chinese border following the Covid-19 pandemic, like the joint sanctions of the United Nations and the United States, have accentuated the despair of the North Korean people.

Almost a mirror situation on the southern margins of Europe. Sometimes closed and sometimes open, depending on the interconnection fluctuations of EU countries, these margins remain 'smugglers' fields' and privileged places of collection and sorting, with irregular flows... This is a burden for the countries of origin without helping in any way the countries of proximity and transit or the host countries. The post-1991 world, the post-Cold War world brings so many new challenges: reawakening regional conflicts, terrorism, pandemics, climate change… Host communities are closing in on themselves. All this goes to despair, and despair to all crimes. However, in the very heart of the DMZ, the last frozen fruit of the Cold War era, Korea maintains the cease-fire. Ideology is no longer the engine of future conflicts, rather despair. Desperation that causes many defectors, refugees, survivors, women, children and men to urgently cross the inequalities of planetary South/North across seas and walls, limes and borders.

Utopian Borderless land DMZ

Model city with economic and demographic goals

City States such as Dubai, Singapore, Luxembourg…, Venice in the past, are the historical models of a prosperity won independently. In the last thirty years the population of Dubai has multiplied by six, those of Singapore and Luxembourg have more than doubled.

Transforming the world's DMZs? New technologies offer very positive prospects for this humanitarian project, which also presents an interesting business plan. A DMZ is a pristine area: businesses will have the opportunity to establish state-of-the-art infrastructure and implement new sustainability systems.

Refugees in South Korea

Until February 2021, a total of 71,449 orphans have been taken in by South Korea, and the number of recognized refugees is 1,098, including those from countries at war such as Syria, Yemen and Myanmar. . 3,476 are protected as refugees. When applying for the status, it takes about 2 to 3 years between the date of filing the application and the recognition decision. In fact, refugee status is considered the easiest visa for getting a job in Korea.

In France, while asylum seekers do not have access to French lessons, refugees have recently benefited from a 600-hour course. The Germans emphasize access to work conditioned by 800 compulsory hours of learning their language for both asylum seekers and refugees.

In Korea, foreigners who wish to acquire nationality or permanent resident status can take a 485-hour course in Korean language and civilization free of charge within a network of 347 establishments across the country. The Immigration Center (Refugee Center) located on Yeongjong Island also offers the same type of course to resettled refugees as to refugee claimants.

'Global City DMZ'

* We are looking for the first hundred Elite Migrant Ambassadors of the DMZ Empire: (see the pages 28-29 of Global Citizenship 3rd Quarter 2021

* Disclaimer:

The DMZ Passport does not exist. Not actually, not yet.

The acronym DMZ, which has become a word designating proxies and firewalls on the internet, comes from the demilitarized zone established between the two Koreas at the end of the war 1953.

The notion of DMZ passport is an initiative to better describe a world covered with borders and now with buffer zones between two territorial entities, of which most often, the first is assimilated to legitimacy, to normality, and the other to a space savage, or archaic, or ravaged. The possibility of creating in the very heart of a buffer zone a city "of DMZ sovereignty", a city bringing together refugees who have found a sense of the future, of life and of here, seems to us a desirable horizon because if the universe is interdependent, no part of the world can escape in an absolutist way from the influence of the elsewhere as well as from its responsibilities on human life in these elsewhere.

In our view, DMZs are all physical and theoretical areas of conflict:

political, social, military, migratory, health, ecological... present and future. Areas that once thought of as margins, now cynically managed as walls, walls and limes.


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